Where are the men? Many people are asking this after recent tragedies like the Uvalde shooting last month, where law enforcement officers stood outside the room where an 18-year-old was shooting up a classroom full of fourth graders.
China is covertly building a naval base in Cambodia that its military will have exclusive access to. This undermines decades-long efforts by America to build an alliance with this Southeast Asian nation, and it points to three key biblical prophecies.
Our crew in Jerusalem recently took a trip to Shiloh, the site of ancient Israel’s tabernacle, and spoke with archaeologists excavating the site. We learn what they’re uncovering at this biblically significant site.
And why is it important to build a fighting spirit?


[02:03] Missing Men ( minutes)

Biblical Manhood

[16:55] Cambodia Turns to China ( minutes)

Has Cambodia Become a Chinese Colony?

[32:01] Shiloh Excavations ( minutes)

The Story of Ancient Shiloh

May-June issue of Let the Stones Speak

[49:33] LAST WORD: Fighting Spirit ( minutes)