The Joe Biden administration is considering a treaty that will turn significant amounts of American sovereignty over to the World Health Organization—an international organization dominated by China.
Law should be a blessing, securing society and protecting citizens. Increasingly today it is being used as a weapon to hurt people and to protect evil. Rather than defending America’s Constitution, lawyers are undermining it and using law as a weapon.
American conservatives are cozying up to some of the more radical-right figures in European politics, sharing a common cause in the battle against radical-leftist thinking. But there is some cause for concern here.
And why it’s important that you prove your belief in God and whether or not the Bible is the inspired Word of God.


[02:10] Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty (10 minutes)

Biden Poised to Hand Over U.S. Sovereignty to the World Health Organization

[11:53] Radical-left Lawyers (16 minutes)

Lawfare Against the Republic

[28:06] U.S. Conservatives and Radical-Right Europeans (16 minutes)

CPAC Hosted for First Time Europe—in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary

[43:58] LAST WORD: Prove God and the Bible (6 minutes)