With all the crises going on in the world—Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the COVID crisis, bushfires visible from space, the Australia-U.S.-UK security pact, and an increased threat from China—Australians went to the polls to choose a new prime minister. What does the man they chose tell you about Australia today?
Who and what is behind the environmentalism movement in America? The facts show that it is about neither the environment nor the best interests of Americans.
Then we look at something that affects every single one of us every single day, more than once a day. You’d stay away from these chemicals if they were spilled near your neighborhood, but what if they were coating your cookware?
We conclude with a Last Word about how to build a better vocabulary.


[01:38] Australia’s New PM (14 minutes)

What the Australian Elections Say About Australia

[15:07] Environmentalism (11 minutes)

Putin’s Useful Idiots

[26:10] Toxic Cookware (15 minutes)

“Toxic Chemicals in Your Cookware”

[41:15] Last Word: Build a Better Vocabulary (10 minutes)

Invigorate Your Words