Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is another bleak reminder of how the ways of war, bloodshed and conquest continue to plague mankind today just as they have throughout history. Declarations that such history is a thing of the past have proved false. But biblical prophecy reveals why and when such bloody history will in fact end.
The James Webb Space Telescope is functioning beautifully and primed for scientific exploration, exceeding scientists’ most optimistic expectations. We talk to an engineer who contributed to the project about his experiences.
And we draw some valuable life lessons from the extraordinary process of creating the James Webb telescope—lessons that were shared with this year’s graduates of Herbert W. Armstrong College in the commencement address this past Sunday.


[01:50] The End of History (12 minutes)

The End of ’The End of History’

[13:59] James Webb Space Telescope (17 minutes)
[31:07] Lessons From Webb (26 minutes)

Our Awesome Universe Potential