Previous Episode: LOVE TO HATE
Next Episode: RISIN' TO THE TOP

Alright, fine, I know I have been away. I’m sorry, I’m sorry what do you want from me huh, it’s not easy tracking this piece of shit for years now, it has been a drain on my soul, it has been a drain on my fucking brain.

But, first order of business is some fan mail from Jeff Cane, an Englishman in LA. I agree with you, Cousin Andy and Mr. Schmatta, those guys they are lost man, they sit in their own enclaves and bubble of Trump martyrdom, and they continue to have diarrhea of the mouth and isn’t that the point. I wanted to run that without commentary, without interruption because sadly enough Jeffrey there is a large percentage of American’s out there that are lost, just simply adrift in a political boat up river, a Heart of Darkness Journey for lack of a better term, so again Jeff, I promise, if Cousin Andy ever appears again on Trump Mafia, he will be grilled for his faulty beliefs, for his views that remind me of the people that drank the Kool aid in Jonestown, or the fellas who took the potion who were wearing velour jumpsuits and Nike Cortez waiting for some alien space ship that never arrived. I can’t say we do top notch journalism here at the Mafia, but I agree that maybe I should have held Cousin Andy’s feet to the fire, but isn’t it much better to just let the craziness roll?

I think in my vacation, it has been a little quiet, a little depressed and from what I have been reading, there seems to be a lot of journalistic think pieces on Donnie that basically remind me of the kind of journalism that is written when an athlete who is supposed to retire, plays that extra season, steps into that ring one more time, or makes that comeback run wearing number 45 like Jordan when he played for the Washington Wizards, you remember that don’t you?

But let’s hold up a bit here and really talk about this, if Donnie is on the ropes, if Donnie is in this depressing vortex, or if New Year’s Eve at Mar a Lago was piss in my chowder boring, then maybe this is the end, maybe just maybe this is it??

I mean I literally saw a headline about New Year’s Eve at Mar-A-Lago being depressing, come on journalists we can do better than that, I am sure the fucking conservative, plastic surgery Dinosaur set at the resort were fine with their expensive champagne and Beef Wellington, let’s not get crazy here.