Previous Episode: THE SHOWDOWN
Next Episode: BADGE OF HONOR

The components of the Trump narrative are vast, complex, dumb, and bizarre to say the least, but the long-term effects that his presidency has had on this country, and the ripple effects within the news and culture we all ingest is profound. I can joke at times about the absurdity of Trump but bubbling beneath the surface is a lot of hate, malice, vitriol, and violence by some of his followers, Trump’s philosophy, say anything, do anything, lie, steal, cheat to WIN, that ethos has had ramifications, and might have already shattered our fragile democracy.

This week, when the verdict against Alex Jones came down, and the headline was that the damages he would have to pay was close to a BILLION DOLLARS, I hope it was a sign that sheer lunacy, lies, conspiracy theories, and just plain hate is unacceptable, and to the families of those children in Sandy Hook Connecticut, who fought for 10 YEARS to see this through, I commend them, and their lawyers that they buried this cocksucker in what will hopefully be a future of being chased for his money with no relent.