Join Devin & Melissa Pellew, Co-Chapter Directors of Ratio Christi at Winthrop University, as they discuss topics related to biblical theology, Christian apologetics and worldview issues. For more information on The Pellews' or to support their ministry, please visit .

In this episode, we will be dealing with the topic of sexual ethics, particular how to effectively reach our LGBT friends with truth and love. Joining us to discuss this topic is apologist Cameron Hodge. As a young child and into her young adult years she struggled with suicide, depression, cutting, and with the effects of sexual violation. Over the past several years Cameron has also opened up about her past struggle with bisexuality from which she has found freedom. Now, as a believer redeemed by the grace and Gospel of Jesus Christ, Cameron aims to provide hope, answers, and a defense of the Christian faith for those who struggle with the hard issues of Christianity and their personal faith walk with Jesus Christ.

Cameron holds a BA in Global Affairs and International Development and Master’s of Public Administration. In response to the call of God, Cameron earned a Master’s of Divinity in Christian Apologetics from Liberty University, in the summer of 2018. Currently, Cameron helps guide a chapter of Ratio Christi at UNC Greensboro and assists in guiding Youth Taking Charge (YTC) which is another campus ministry. She is also an entrepreneur, owning her own business. Learn more about Cameron at