This week, we celebrate Juneteenth and explain the importance of a holiday centered around Black Americans. With an emphasis on freedom and allyship, we encourage our non-black friends and neighbors, especially our fellow Christians, to delve into our history, educate with important well-rounded resources, and understand the black experience in the United States beyond the context of slavery.  

Timecoded Guide: 

[02:07] Understanding the colors & culture of Juneteenth  [08:48] Including Juneteenth in tangible ways   [11:22] Celebrating our history personally in our family   [12:25] Learning black history as American history   [14:03] Acknowledging racist systems and being a good ally   

This week, we celebrate Juneteenth and explain the importance of a holiday centered around Black Americans. With an emphasis on freedom and allyship, we encourage our non-black friends and neighbors, especially our fellow Christians, to delve into our history, educate with important well-rounded resources, and understand the black experience in the United States beyond the context of slavery.  

Timecoded Guide: 

[02:07] Understanding the colors & culture of Juneteenth  [08:48] Including Juneteenth in tangible ways   [11:22] Celebrating our history personally in our family   [12:25] Learning black history as American history   [14:03] Acknowledging racist systems and being a good ally