Previous Episode: True Talk for 11/23/2023
Next Episode: True Talk for 12/07/2023

This week, we delved deep into the heart of Gaza with Jason Shawwa, an American-born Palestinian who calls Gaza home. Joined by Ahmed Bedier and Samar Jarrah, Jason shared his poignant story against the backdrop of the ongoing humanitarian pause between Israel and Hamas - a ceasefire that hangs on by a thread and could snap any moment.

Jason laid bare the raw reality of life in Gaza, offering us an unfiltered glimpse into the days of Israeli occupation and the challenges faced under a full blockade - and that's all before October 7th. He illuminated the tough choices residents face daily, providing a perspective often overlooked in mainstream narratives.

Our conversation with Jason unfolded during a humanitarian pause, a fragile peace between Israel and Hamas. While this ceasefire has seen a couple of extensions, it could and likely will collapse any moment Jason's decision to remain in Gaza reflects the resilience of its people. The ceasefire has provided a temporary break in a conflict that's claimed nearly 20,000 lives, with a heartbreaking 70% being women and children.

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