Boze has been on the show I believe three times. This is Boze's 28th book.. WOWSA. It's very good and lots of info on Elvis. Its quotes people who knew him in childhood, just starting out, becoming a sensation all the way through his death. I learned a lot of things I never knew. Yes, he shot guns at TV's, and had a very young Priscilla move in with him. One thing you can never take away from Elvis is that he is a legend, and no-one could ever be like him. 

The book is

Elvis Forever: Looking Back on the Legacy of the King

Boze's author's page..So many great books.


Thanks so much again for the fab Boze.

Mostly thanks to the listeners!!

Much love,


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[email protected]


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movies, stars and interesting places in NYC from Classic Hollywood, Stay tuned!! I will be starting a you tube channel..HELP!! and will be adding my own video and little tidbits about a certain, star or movie a couple times a week. 


My twitter. I've used it maybe 12 times, but I will be doing it more 
