The Babies Love Black Wall Street! We had a great time at the All Black National Convention in Charlotte, NC. One of our biggest admirers at the table was a young 4 year old  scholar Sinclair wanted to give the world to!

Join Sinclair Theee Health Nerd and De'Von Truvel creator of Black Wall Street the Board Game as they break down the top 5 lessons from the Boyce Watkins All Black National Convention. You should definitely join next year.

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The M4 Show is on a mission to help 100 couples achieve a $1 Million net worth. We are looking for Melanated Married Millionaires in the Making ready to build!

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De'Von and Sinclair are Black YouTubers promoting Black Wealth. You can find our journey and thoughts on this channel or on our blog. We hope to hear your stories and learn from you as well. Let's do it together. 