What are we missing in the researches about Epstein Barr that could really make the difference in our healing process? In this fourth interview with Dr. Jay Davidson, we will listen to the heartrending testimony of Dr. Randy Michaux about his personal journey treating the Epstein Barr virus and the emotional rollercoaster that detoxing can represent in our lives. 

There is a lot covered in this conversation but two core topics that we will dive deep into are dealing with chronic infections and how emotional/mental triggers can increase viral activity.  

When dealing with chronic infections and bacteria, it is especially important to find the right approach to not just kill the virus, but to find out why it is thriving in the first place? In other words, why is the disease there their first place? Why has your two years of antibiotics not fixed it if it was just a bacterial issue?   

Besides all this, we’ll be learning about the how emotional and mental distress can be triggers for the increase of viral and parasitic activity and as you listen to what Dr. Randy has to say, you should be able to draw out the link between parasites and viruses and really the role of emotions and what they play on chronic illness. 

By the end of this interview, you’ll see that Dr. Randy is an amazing person. A man that’s in the trenches and barely in the spotlight despite his fascinating story. He and Dr. Jay go all the way through his protocols and how he has helped his patients to detox, recover their energy, and their will to live.    

Tune in and enjoy this amazing piece of content from Dr. Jay’s summit on his viral and retroviral summit.

Keynotes discussed:

Dr. Randy’s journey to find new answers to his own health problems and help others (01:40)The story of how Dr. Randy connected Dr. Todd Watts (05:47)Can emotional and mental traumas trigger the parasite’s activity? (08:58)How’s the connection between the patients and their diagnoses and how often do they want to go after their viruses?A testimony of the essential work of the mind in the healing process (21:46)The benefits of Biotox binder and its role in the parasite cleansing (32:14)


Episode links:

Create your free account: Truedetox.comOur e-mail: [email protected]. Jay Davidson’s website: https://drjaydavidson.com/Dr. Randy Michaux’s website: https://totalbodywellnessclinic.com/


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