Listen in as Mackay explains to us what acupuncture is all about, how he got into it,  the different ways of doing acupuncture and how each practitioner has a personalized way of going about it. 

We talk about the acupuncture process, how a practitioner evaluates a patient and how to determine the best method and most effective tools to use. Acupuncture is not a magic bullet and may not heal a patient on its own. Acupuncturists use interventions such as detoxification, where toxins are first removed from the body by clearing detox pathways to get rid of a disease.

We then get to how acupuncture works. How energy flows within the body and how an acupuncturist taps into this flow of energy through various points by use of needles. Even for the mental side of things, Mackay explains to us that the body and the mind are interconnected. There are one and the same thing. The body influences the mind and the mind influences the body. 

Acupuncture is closely related to detox. As you deal with a problem in one area, everything starts falling into place. There are both about balancing our energy and clearing out things that interfere with our well being. 

Key Takeaways

The different ways of doing acupuncture and how each practitioner has a personalized approach (3:45)How acupuncture, just like detoxification is customized care (6:06)How acupuncture works by tapping into the body’s energy flow 12:20How the body influences the mind and the mind influences the body (18:00)Why acupuncture and detox helps balance our lives and this makes everything in our life fall in place (24:47)There are multiple avenues to wellness, detox and acupuncture are one of these (26:05)

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