In this episode, we welcome back Acupuncturist Mackay Rippey. Mackay talks about the balance of expressing emotions, letting them go and finding peace as they fade.

Emotions themselves are not toxic. The toxicity comes from a person holding onto these emotions or finding a negative outlet for expressing what they feel. The relevance of toxicity in our emotions and the effect it has on us can be seen now more than ever. The uncertainty of Coronavirus halts our ability to feel stress or anxiety as a fleeting emotion. Our natural instinct is to defend ourselves from the unknown. This build up of anxiety is a result of our defense mechanisms and becomes toxic.

Mackay shares how we can feel our emotions without lingering on the feeling. Emotions are meant to pass through us and to be embraced only for a period of time. He talks about removing ourselves from a toxic environment or toxic people as a healing method. If we can learn to express, let go and move forward, we can eliminate our toxic emotions.

Listen for more on the foundation of our emotions on this week’s episode of True Detox.

Key Takeaways

Introduction of our guest, Mackay Rippey 0:22Toxic emotions 0:44Stressful emotions stemming from the uncertainty from coronavirus 1:50Defense against the unknown 2:51Monsters we fear 4:41Defining toxic emotions 5:38Five foundations of emotions 6:35Emotions on their own are not toxic 9:25Toxic person 10:55Responsibility to take control of our own experiences 12:39Conditioned to deal with irrational behavior 16:20Strategies to help people deal with loved ones who are will and dealing with emotions 23:15

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