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not all days are made equal. Some days are good days and some days are really bad. Days today got up. Everything was fine. I'm awake, my normal two o'clock in the morning, watch the news, do all the stuff that I normally do. Went on a computer, did my website. Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, did everything, all my bits and pieces.

I don't actually feel the cold, so I don't actually notice when it's cold. But as I was going downstairs about half past four or five o'clock touched the radiator didn't feel warm. So I went upstairs, checked when I checked it looked like everything was okay cause everything showed as being on hot water boiler, everything, everything working went downstairs, came back up, still can feel the cold Um, plus I turned my radiator off. Now I'm a carer for my mom and dad, so my mom's 97 I'm a dad's, got dementia, and I'm a carer for both of them. So anyway, my mom's got up, gone downstairs. Then she said to me, Oh, the radiators not hot, so I've gone back upstairs, check the radiator, going back downstairs, check the boiler is flashing red. So did the reset with the system flashing red did a reset of the system. Flashing red.

Now we've, for me, most things don't actually bother me. So I just thought, okay, I'll just contact the gas people. They'll come in, they'll have to do it in an emergency. Even though it's a lockdown, they're not meant to come in the house.

if it's vulnerable people, then it an emergency, they'll turn out. So anyway. Set all of that up and I thought, well, they come in tomorrow between eight and one o'clock. Cool. No problem. Now with me, I'm very funny. Every day I have a bath. I have to go in the bath every single day. So once I've got up, done my workout, done everything else, I'll go in the bath.

So then. Or check the radiator in the bathroom. Now that radiates. It has to be hot for the hot water to be hot cause there is another problem with the electrics running the immersion heater. So anyway, touch the raid here. And then i thought. Oh no. Because the radiator is mean theirs no hot water means I can't have a bath.

Now, that to me is like pushing it, so it's like the entire world all around me. Just saying. Your buggered, your buggered, your buggered. Now normally I would just crumble, but because I'm always motivated and always positive, I just put a positive spin on it. Now I've still got to go out, so it means, and I hate this with a passion.

I'm going to have to have a cold bath. I hate cold water on my skin. I just can't stand it. Really, really hate it, but I'm going to have to do it.

Now, most people by now would have freaked out, gone crazy, gone. Oh my God, everything's against me. Life is conspiring, but I'm always positive. I always put a positive spin on things.

What you should do is read a book called goals by Brian Tracy. Absolutely fantastic book. I'm going to mention it again in another podcast, but. Listen to this book I've wrote as an audio book or buy the book itself and read the book. It will change your life and it will show you why you should always be positive about everything.

Regardless of what's happened in the whole world could crumble around. You always remain positive. Once you're positive, you'll always find a way out. The moment you give up, you'll never find a way out, and it would be like falling into a black hole that you can never climb out of. So always, always remain positive.

Don't let anything get you down. Don't get depressed over anything. Yes, you can have a a mild spell, snap out of it. Get on with it.

True dat.