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at last, I'm back. This has been one hell of a, well, more than a week. I think I've been gone about two weeks, right? It's a roller coaster. I've been on first, break up with the woman that I was seeing. Right. Which was expected. So I saw it coming. so that's over and done with now, done and dusted. I'm not even going to go into it now.

I'll do it whenever I do my podcast about love. But, so many other things have happened. the gas boiler went twice. The electrics in the house is buggered. So that's gone as well. And then I've got to do some funny magic wiring for everything to work. The dishwasher went twice, so they've just come back in and fixed it.

They came in and did a little bit of work on them and they've come back and did some more work. So that's now finally done. Then I decided, I don't know what prompted me to do this, to declare myself self-employed, which I've never said anything before. So I did all my self employed paperwork stuff, contacted the tax office.

Then the tax span went, Oh, you've got to do your taxes from 18 /19 and 19 /20 so I'm sitting there worrying and can't find where to do the paperwork online. Couldn't get in online first to begin with, cause all my stuff wasn't correct. Then I had to phone them. Long phone call. I mean, one hell of long phone call.

Essentially I got through to them, sorted it out. My tax numbers to log in on. Then I phoned back cause I had another problem, got some idiot on the, on the phone who basically kicked me off the line and put me back into the queue to wait for about another hour. Then I got really nice lady was sitting there and I kept saying to her, look, I cannot find where I'm meant to file my taxes.

So we went for everything. She, she stayed there. The thing is, she was really good cause she stayed there with me. We kept clicking buttons, logging out, logging back in, and she said, you should see a button there that says do your self employed stuff. Like declare your taxes on that. Fill in your, your your assessment.

I said, there's nothing now. So we went for it over and over about half an hour we're going through this thing. Then she goes, Oh. I think I know what's wrong and I'll go as well. And she said, well, basically your taxes have not due to be filled in until the thursday that was coming. And this was on the Monday.

the two of us just burst out laughing. I've never laughed so much in my life. and I just said to her, I said, so far, that's the best thing that's happened today. then what she did was she looked at my taxes and the amount that I earn, which is not a lot. and decided that the year 18 /19 I didn't have to register for it.

For paying my taxes or self employed. So that took half the worry off my mind because I was sitting there thinking I own about four grand based on the fact that its gone in late, blah, blah, blah, et cetera. But she said, no, there's nothing there. Forget about that. Then I started filling in my paperwork, got the paperwork done on thursday , click the button at the end, and then it said, you told us you weren't working and you told us you're not self employed.

I'm thinking, but I did tell you I'm self employed. So I had to phone them, phone them up, got someone on phone eventually. Cause because of the corvid there's a long delay. Got somebody eventually started talking to them and he said, well the reason why it's doing that is because you earned so little.

Basically, you don't have to pay any taxes. So all this crap, I've gone through two weeks of hiding my head in the sand, doing all this nonsense phone calls, everything. I didn't even have to do it. Do you know what I mean? What madness is this? And you know what gets me. The big companies, they're all fine because they know what to do.

They know the loopholes that you can use and they know all the stuff like that. The small people that barely make a living from anything have to jump through so many hoops to do their taxes, do the paperwork, do everything. It's ridiculous. When are they going to sort out, because this corvid thing is destroying a lot of different businesses.

When are they going to sort out. The people like me, the people who who havent got the knowledge to do their taxes to people who are barely surviving on what they're earning. It's ridiculous. But sooner or later they can have to sort it out. But anyway, that's me for today. I'm happy today. Now I'm relaxed and happy and I've been training again.

So as from day before yesterday, I've been training three times a day, mainly skip in some sticking to the skipping, just to burn fat while the sun's out. The last 3 nights have been hot, so hot. I've not been able to sleep. So half past two in the morning, I'm awake and. Come first thing in the morning.

I'm so tired, exhausted, but I'm still doing my workouts. So anyway, that's me. Done for today. I'm back now to shows they're going to be regular. I'm going to pinpoint all the things that are wrong in this world. And I'm going to come at it from a different angle. True. dat