YESTERDAY’S NEWS -- Tales of classic scandals, scoundrels and scourges told from historic newspapers in the golden age of yellow journalism...
True Tales From The Old West
Remastered from the True Crime Historian Vault
Episode 63 tells the story of the scoundrel Charley Bowles who took the moniker Black Bart from a villain in a dime novel, but I think he used it ironically because it didn’t really fit his gentlemanly style. He only robbed coaches carrying treasure belonging to the Wells Fargo Company, apparently in revenge for a mining dispute in Nevada. When he left his doggerel poetry at the scene of the crime, he would sign it “Black Bart PO8” spelling poet with a numeral, text-message style long before the internet, way ahead of his time. 
Culled from the historic pages of the Washington Evening Star, the San Francisco Chronicle, and other newspapers of the era.
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Opening theme by Nico Vitesse.
Incidental music by Nico Vitesse, Chuck Wiggins, and Dave Sams. Some music and sound effects licensed from
Closing theme by Dave Sams and Rachel Schott, engineered by David Hisch at Third Street Music.
Media management by Sean Miller-Jones
Richard O Jones, Executive Producer