A Body Under The Stairs
AN EYE FOR AN EYE -- A special edition of Yesterday’s News exploring the criminal justice system at its most extreme: Inflicting the Death Penalty...
Mrs. Peete’s Private Burials
Episode 420 recalls one of America’s lesser-known serial killers, Louise Peete. There’s never been a book or a movie about her, yet during her murderous career, especially her first crime, her Southern charm and polite matronly manner made her a nation-wide front page sensation, with some newspapers printing literally every word of her trial as well as fawning feature stories.
Culled from the historic pages of the Los Angeles Express, the Los Angeles Times, and other newspapers from the era.
For more information on this case, I have uploaded my case file with clippings of the complete trial coverage to the Safe House Library. See for yourself at www.patreon.com/truecrimehistorian, where you can access the many treasures of the True Crime Historian Vault not available anywhere else.
Some listeners don’t want to pledge monthly support but just want to send a few bucks this way. You can do that at www.buymeacoffee.com/crimehistorian. You can also subscribe to a $5 monthly or $50 annual membership!

A creation Of Pulpular Media
Also from Pulpular Media:
Portals to Possibility, an improvised mock-talk show that proves you don’t have to be human to be good people. Visit pulpular.com/portals2 for a brand-new episode.
Catastrophic Calamaties, Exploring the famous and forgotten disasters of the 19th and 20th centuries. What could go wrong? Everything!
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Musical contributors include Nico Vitesse, Lucia La Rezza, Joyie, Danielle Mo, and Dave Sams.
Some music and sound effects licensed from podcastmusic.com.
Closing theme by Dave Sams and Rachel Schott, engineered by David Hisch at Third Street Music.
Media management by Sean Miller-Jones
Richard O Jones, Executive Producer