In late Spring, 1987, 17-year-old Ursula Barwick, stepped off the platform, and boarded a train from Tuggerah on the Central Coast, bound for Sydney.

The journey would take a little more than two hours and land her in Kings Cross. She’d told her parents she had work and accommodation lined up, and would call them as soon as she arrived.

Her father, Peter, planned to come down that weekend to help get her settled in. It would be her first time living properly out of home.

But that phone call from Ursula, saying she’d arrived safe and sound, never arrived.

And it would be 30 years before they would finally learn why.

An episode of Australian Story titled ‘Forever Young’, which aired on November 25, 2019, explores the case of Ursula Barwick.

We speak to the producer of Australian Story, award-winning journalist Winsome Denyer, about what happened to Ursula back in October, 1987.

GUEST: Winsome Denyer 

HOST: Jessie Stephens

PRODUCER: Elise Cooper


‘Forever Young’ for Australian Story, ABC 

Lost Then Found: The disappearance of Ursula Barwick, Winsome Denyer for 

'For 30 years, Ursula's family thought she was missing. She had been buried under the wrong name' Jessica Staveley for Mamamia

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