Episode Details



Episode Notes

Welcome Back Cork Killers!  First I would like to thank you all for your support during my break.  As most of you know, I was dealing with some unfortunate crazy criminal stuff in my real life and I had to take a mental break, so that I did not wind up being the criminal on a podcast :)

I would also like to introduce my Co-host who is joining me for Season 3.  Some of you may recognize his name and/or his voice. JT is currently a Co-Host on Brew Crimes with Mike - If you have not listened to their podcast - you must give it a listen.  JT is also the voice of Active Shooter.  I am blessed and honored that he agreed to join me on True Crime and Wine Time.  He is not only a great friend, but a great Co-Host.


Our first episode this season is very personal to me and one that I have spent years thinking about and many, many months working on.  

Today, we are going to tell you about the senseless and horrific murder of a beautiful young mother, daughter, niece, friend, cousin and much more. I am lucky that I not only met Kristy but that I can call her family.  Kristy is my second cousin and was truly a beautiful person inside and out. Please forgive me for any silence and my sniffles.

If you want to hear the full version of this story you can hear it on our Patreon channel.  Patreon.com/truecrimeandwinetime.


Sources: Copies of all the sources can be found on our website - truecrimeandwinetime.com


Port Arthur News Archive

Orange Leader Archive

Court Records

Family of Kristy




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