Today, on True Adventurers.

Ron, the Warlock Half elf, Sly, The Bard, and their two new companions Edmond, the Ranger Elf and Tom Tom the Gnome Rogue, jump into a new world. This time, it’s personal.

The Year is 1973 and the location is funky Harlem.

Once they step through the portal, Sly realizes that not much has changed on his home turf. Now, they have to find the source of the corruption that is spreading into the streets. But first, they have to find the leader of the Black Panther Party, one of Sly’s oldest and most trusted friends.

Will Sly fit back into his old world or has he been gone for too long? Will the other adventurers be able to fit into this alien environment? Will they escape alive!?

Find out this week!

Episode 38: The Righteous Revenge