Welcome to the third installment of Hell Week. If you want to get caught up with the previous two, check out the links below. Hell Week is what I call a bad week of trucking. I'm sure it's no comparison to the Marine's Hell Week, but I'm a giant wuss so this is as close as I will ever get.

You can find this blog post here.

Links mentioned in the opening:

I'm still looking for an Owner/Operator who would be willing to install the Wheel-Check product and do a short audio or text review. Contact me at [email protected].

If you like discussing your Apple products and services, send an email to [email protected] to request an invitation.

Despite my hatred of Facebook, I'm considering starting a Trucker Dump Facebook page. If you'd be interested in something like that, please email me at [email protected]. If I don't hear from a lot of you, I ain't-a-gonna-do-it.

I got three new iTunes reviews recently, courtesy of Clive Hammett @Clive_Hammett, Kevin Thompson Sr. @KevinThompsonS1, and Kenneth Summerlin. Thanks guys!

I also received a new Amazon review from Geek Dad's Computer Service for my ebook: Trucking Life: An Entertaining, Yet Informative Guide To Becoming And Being A Truck Driver. Most excellent!

Some listeners/readers have asked about supporting the podcast/blog without buying the book so I have set up a way to donate your moolah through PayPal. Not necessary, but there it is if you want to throw your money at me.

I also share a couple of funny stories about my nephew Jared learning to drive and our cat's iPhone addiction.

I saw a funny sign at a shipper down on the Mexican border.

Listener Steven Gorman (who co-hosted TD111: Improving Our Reputation As Truckers) and his wife Shannon had a baby girl named Aubree Lin on September 10. Congratulations!

Links mentioned in the blog post section:

TD26: Hell Week

TD71: Hell Week Part 2: The Sequel

Listen to TD110: Jabbering With Jared to hear my nephew Jared tell you how bad I am at first-person shooter video games.

Documentaries on Netflix called, Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny and World War II in Colour.

TD116: Diabetes and Truckers

I started watching Gotham on Netflix.

Photos of Texas Canyon rest area on I-10, near Benson, Arizona.

I missed meeting listener Shannon Holden @holden657 by a hair.

Colorado chain law

The Evil Overlord has chosen her gun. It has a friggin' laser. Seriously. When she told me on the phone, she screamed, "ARMING THE LASER!!!!!"

YouTube clip from Diehard.

Links mentioned in the feedback section:

Gregory read TD91: Bungling The 34-Hour Rule wrote in to thank me for writing the Trucker Dump blog.

Clint Shine is an old friend of mine who I hung out with in my 20's. He wrote in wondering if I was the same dude he thought I was. He's a truck driver now too!

Brian from Australia sent a video of The World's Longest Truck Road Train. Cool stuff!

Bird Dog listened to TD75: Who's A Trucker? and has his opinion on it.

Lastly, Jack listened to TD95: 4 Reasons That Trucker Might Be Tailgating You and gives me a good scolding. Of course, I respond in kind.

Show info:

You can email your comments, suggestions, questions, or insults to [email protected]

You can find me on Twitter @ToddMcCann.

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