Well, I came up blank for a topic this time, so that's bad. What's good is it means that it's a perfect time to catch up on all the feedback from you guys (and gals). But before we get to the feedback, I ramble on about boring stuff like I usually do.

Topics and links mentioned in the podcast:

I was a guest on The Trucking Podcast. We had a blast talking about all kinds of stuff, so please check it out. Look for episode 108.

Who doesn't like to hear about another person's aches and pains? No one… right? Right? Tough noogies. I open the show with my kidney stone woes. Good times.

More in the complaint department, I whine a bit about the crappy Internet at my new home.

Of course, everyone loves to hear a trucker bitch about trying to get home. Well I don't disappoint with the story of my emotional rollercoaster ride trying to get home for Christmas.

I'm also looking for listener's input on whether being called a "Trucker Dumper" is insulting or just plain funny. I ask because Buck and Don over at The Trucking Podcast are having a heck of time finding a name for their audience that doesn't piss someone off.

Listener Trucker Bob and I recently announced a new Slack community called iTruckers. It's basically a place for Apple fanboys (or fangirls) to get together online to talk about their love of Apple gear and services.

So if you're a trucker who owns an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, iPod, or maybe you want to own one or have questions about them, please click the link to read about joining the iTruckers Slack group. Or you can email Trucker Bob directly at [email protected] to receive an invite. Truckers or related fields only please!

I mention current iTruckers members @holden657, @darkstaff, and @driverchrismc.

In the Feedback section:

Greg @riverratwa57 sends another audio comment about how he stays safe in the truck. He mentions his wife carries a lipstick body guard and a flashlight stun gun with spikes. Ouch!

If you're interested, I shared my thoughts about carrying weapons in the truck back in TD110: Jabbering With Jared.

Lester @amishtrucker shares a quick thought about the stuff I talk about on the podcast.

Long Duck @longduck71 listened to TD108: 4 Reasons Truckers Get The Hazmat Endorsement and disagrees.

Denver left a comment on my Jobshadow.com interview asking for some general advice on getting into trucking. If you don't want to read the article, I turned it into a podcast in TD102: What's It Like To Be A Trucker?

Another audio comment from Greg @riverratwa57 discusses technology in trucking and I out The Evil Overlord as being horrible with location awareness. I also share my skepticism about dash cameras. What's your experience with dash cams? Write in or send an audio comment on the subject to [email protected].

An anonymous emailer read TD57: Really? A Good Dispatcher? and leaves a smart aleck remark. Because that's what annoying people do.

Chib is a non-trucker who listened to TD95: 4 Reasons That Trucker Might Be Tailgating You and had a few thoughts to share about why I'm wrong. I also point him to TD66: Truckers Go Turtle Racing to prove to him I'm not part of the problem with slow truckers trying to pass other slow trucks.

Vic writes in to try to enter the Trucker Country CD giveaway courtesy of Eric McMann @erichmcmann, but he was a bit too late. He did suggest some future topics and according to his email, he's probably a trucker by now. Yeah!

Ken listened to TD109: Coping With Rookie Truckers, but it was talking about electronic logs in the feedback section that prompted him to weave a tale about a trucker and big brother.

Long Duck @longduck71 tells a tale of his truck breaking down and he talks about blind side backing.

Isaac works for an insurance company and read either TD97: A Trucker's Worst Nemesis: Complacency or TD104: Complacency Strikes and asked three questions to get a better understanding of the trucking world.

The R & J Trucker Blog was kind enough to include Trucker Dump in their list of 10 Trucking Blogs Every New Trucker Should Read.

Roger hops on board with his pet peeve about 4-wheelers.

Lastly, J went for a new world record for shortest Trucker Dump comment. He wins.

Show info:

You can email your comments, suggestions, questions, or insults to [email protected]

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