No one likes to see truckers tailgating cars; not even other truckers. But today I argue that there are times when a trucker has to tailgate. Find out what they are and learn a new phobia that I made up. There is also a reference to a short, but funny clip of The Big Bang Theory. I also refer to one of my favorite blog post/podcasts I've done called TD66: Truckers Go Turtle Racing.

In the feedback section we hear from CJ, who left a question over at my interview about the chances of getting hired when you have a felony, and Gregory, who asks about running slow and steady versus hard and quick. That comment can be found at TD63: Do E-logs Really Increase Driving Time? And lastly, I point you to a comment that was a bit too racy for the podcast, but can be seen in the comment section of TD76: The Spitting "Christian" Zealot.

CJ was kind enough to provide two links to online forums that list trucking companies who are willing to hire felons.

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