In today's episode, we discuss how the new 34-hour rule will affect truck drivers when it rears it's butt-ugly head this coming July. Merged into this story is a mystery solved. What could possibly make me, possibly the least adventurous trucker in the world, take a 1.2 mile walk to take his first-ever ride on a city bus? Click the play button and find out. Also, in the introduction I address some technical issues that have been discovered since the launch of the podcast. We have feedback from Rodger and Bill and I do my best to imitate Steve Irwin and Arnold. People and things mentioned are:





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TD64: Truckers: Be Heard on the Proposed HOS Changes

The FMCSA website

The new Hours-Of-Service rules

TD82: Are All These Changes Good for the Trucking Industry?

Talent on Parade


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Download the intro/outro songs for free! courtesy of Walking On Einstein

Mystery Feedback Song - Only a cheater would click this before listening to the podcast! You aren't a cheater, are you?

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