In episode. 53 we have a guest on the show to explain coronaviruses, Donald Trump's treatment and Vaccinations.   Timestamp: 0:00 Intro 2:07 How does Coronavirus spread? 8:15 How do viruses work? 10:50 Natural defences from viruses 12:32 Strengthen your immune system 13:01 Biggest issue handling coronavirus 15:05 Symptoms of coronavirus/ how it starts to effect the body 17:20 Early findings of coronavirus 21:07 covid Conspiracies 26:00 symptoms of coronavirus continued 29:09 non believers of corona  29:57 the moment we knew this shit was real! 34:11 Donald Trump’s covid-19 treatment  40:10 Second Wave of the virus 41:47 First lockdown experience  43:30 Anti maskers 46:10 How Vaccines work 48:10  Virus mutating  51:45 Types of vaccines


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