Don’t let a completely resolvable issue sink your home sale or purchase.

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The No. 1 reason why deals fall through: Not having the right agent and contacts. Here’s one of the most important things you should ask any agent you’re interviewing: “If we have a problem with our home during the inspection or appraisal process, do you have reliable contacts on standby?”

For example, I have a client who’s buying here in York, Pennsylvania, and selling her home three hours away in a whole different county. It was discovered she had a problem with her home’s septic system, but the agent did not have a contact for her. Instead, the agent told her to reach out to anybody she can think of to help fix her septic system. Three weeks later, the problem still hasn’t been fixed, and no guidance has been given to the client (I wasn’t even made aware of the situation until recently). We were set to close two days from the recording of this video, but now that won’t happen—all because an agent did not have a contact.

If you don't have go-to options for your home maintenance needs, you have to make sure you ask your agent if they do.

Unfortunately, situations like this are why hard-working and knowledgeable agents get a bad reputation. You have to build a relationship with contractors and maintain a list of people you can call on to address issues in your home. If you don't have go-to options for your home maintenance needs, you have to make sure you ask your agent if they do. 

If you have further questions on this topic or are gearing up to sell your home soon, reach out to me directly via phone or email.