I’m sharing why in 2020 buyers need to be interviewing real estate agents before hiring them.

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We’re coming up on spring, and soon more homes will be for sale—the market will be booming. However, there will still be more buyers in the market than sellers. This means, as a buyer, you’ll be competing with all the others.

Buyers: You need to be interviewing different agents before you hire one. You need to see with whom you work best and feel most comfortable. The main question you need to be asking the real estate agents as you interview them is: In a competitive buyer’s market, how do you help me compete in a multiple-offer situation? If they answer that you need to raise the price on your offer or need to do fewer inspections, that’s a generic answer most of them give.

You need to be interviewing different
agents before you hire one.

You need to find an agent who can think outside the box. Last week I was able to help a buyer save $20,000 on a house by thinking outside the box when we weren’t the highest offer on the table. No matter when you’re buying a home in 2020, you’ll be competing with multiple offers. Make sure you have the right agent on your side who can think outside the norm and get you the property of your dreams.

If you want to know exactly how I make offers in a multiple-offer situation or have any other questions, reach out via phone or email.