Today I want to share five tips that will help you sell your home faster.
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Are you a seller that needs to sell quickly? Here are five tips that will help you.

1. Concentrate on paint. Your paint should be neutral and bright; dark colors can make rooms look smaller. If you do want to paint the walls a different color, keep the ceiling white so that the room still feels big and bright.

2. Consider removing carpet. In the 80s and 90s, many people carpeted hardwood flooring, but buyers and homeowners today prefer hardwood floors. If you have old carpet over gorgeous, hardwood floors, your best bet is to tear it out. This will not only look great and brighten up the room, but it will also help remove smells. Simply removing the carpet and mopping the floor will make it look like you just redid them.

3. Neutralize any odors. Sometimes when you live in a home, you don't notice the odors inside it because you're desensitized to them. Other people coming into your home, though, can smell those things. So if you have pets, or if you smoke, and you want to keep the carpet in the home, make sure to get it cleaned. Also, wipe everything down, so that when a potential buyer does enter your home, they don't notice those smells.

If you have old carpet over gorgeous,
hardwood floors, your best bet is to tear it out.”
4. Remember curb appeal. When people shop for homes, they may drive around on evenings and weekends, and if they drive past your home and it's a cluttered mess in front, many people will pass it by. You can have a gorgeous home inside, but if it doesn't look good from the outside because of uncut grass or untrimmed trees, it's not going to get people out of their cars into your home. So cut your grass and make sure everything looks good. You could even add mulch or stones to make it look nice.

5. Declutter the home. This is actually one of the most important tips. People don't want to walk into your home and have to step over things in order to look at rooms or turn lights on and off. To start your decluttering, box up all the things that you don't use regularly and place them in a storage unit. Since you're going to end up moving anyway, now is the time to get it out since people want to easily imagine their things in the home.

If you have any additional questions, or if you're interested in learning more about buying or selling, please feel free to reach out to me. I look forward to speaking with you soon.