Does HE know something WE don't? President Biden calling Kamala Harris "President Harris" in another major gaffe. Now, it's getting ridiculous. Because it's not just the names of his team members that he can't remember... he doesn't know his policies. Including the details on his MASSIVE tax hike proposal! 
His press person is stuck on clean-up duty...and even SHE slipped. In a press conference Thursday, Jen Psaki called the crisis on the border.... an actual "CRISIS!"  Imagine that?! (She quickly corrected herself.) 
Finally, Evanston, Illinois is trying to right the wrongs of the past -- by giving out $25k to every qualifying black resident. Activists say: it's not enough.

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Does HE know something WE don't? President Biden calling Kamala Harris "President Harris" in another major gaffe. Now, it's getting ridiculous. Because it's not just the names of his team members that he can't remember... he doesn't know his policies. Including the details on his MASSIVE tax hike proposal! 
His press person is stuck on clean-up duty...and even SHE slipped. In a press conference Thursday, Jen Psaki called the crisis on the border.... an actual "CRISIS!"  Imagine that?! (She quickly corrected herself.) 
Finally, Evanston, Illinois is trying to right the wrongs of the past -- by giving out $25k to every qualifying black resident. Activists say: it's not enough.

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