Can we just take a minute to be proud of ourselves? Proud of our country, our government, and our great capitalist engine? The mainstream media won’t ever give the President, his administration, nor even the companies that created the vaccines any credit… BUT, the Chief Adviser of Operation Warp Speed says, "Things will start to return to normal by April or May--after a vaccine--is widely available." AMAZING! Plus, I have the latest on Giuliani's Covid-19 diagnosis, as well as new intel on the Durham investigation. Finally, find out how Georgia could decide your economic fate. Don't miss today's podcast and I'll see you online at for more!

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Can we just take a minute to be proud of ourselves? Proud of our country, our government, and our great capitalist engine? The mainstream media won’t ever give the President, his administration, nor even the companies that created the vaccines any credit… BUT, the Chief Adviser of Operation Warp Speed says, "Things will start to return to normal by April or May--after a vaccine--is widely available." AMAZING! Plus, I have the latest on Giuliani's Covid-19 diagnosis, as well as new intel on the Durham investigation. Finally, find out how Georgia could decide your economic fate. Don't miss today's podcast and I'll see you online at for more!

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