With a special Monday Night Live broadcast, Tripping on Legends explores some new revelations about the Singing River Legend and announces its new project.

First, Christopher Balzano gets into how the Singing River legend connects to a similar legend in Mississippi involving mass suicide to explain how the singing came to be. Along the way, he connects a few more Native American legends and folktales.

Here the episodes about the Singing River Legend:



Balzano then official announces Tripping on Legends’ new project. The Haunted Love Project covers one of the most common motifs in the paranormal and the backstory of so many ghosts people see and ghost stories they share.

Love and love lost.

We're looking for any and all ghost stories, folklore, legends, and unexplained happenings you have that have an element of love and love lost. Shafted brides who commit suicide and haunt bridges, ghostly hitchhikers roaming roads trying to find their lost ladies, even ghost lights said to be lovers playing in the night.

If you have heard a story, experienced a haunting, or know of an odd tale where love is at the center, let us know.

You can reach us at [email protected]
or post something to us at www.facebook.com/trippingonlegends.

We'll be keeping track of them on our site at:

Twitter @naynaymyfriend @SpookyBalzano

Instagram @SpookyTripping @NayNayV3