I was not always a monster, once I was somebody's muse. The world may be your canvas, what you paint on it, beware. The pen is mightier than the sword, it has no limitation. Don't refrain, this ink will stain and nothing can erase us now.

In the world of haunted storytelling and urban legends, we who set the story can’t always control it. Often times the nature of a ghost is determined by the tales we tell about it. Once it’s out there, the haunting takes a life of its own and can’t be erased.

Join Christopher Balzano and the Trippers as they look at some famous ghost stories that have gotten out of control. They’ll also look at home modern mythology has taken control of the narrative. Media like Five Night at Freddy’s, Walton Files, Mandela Catalogue, and the Backrooms are following in the footsteps of Slender Man to shift who can tell the story and how it gets told.

Join us June 4th at the SWFL Skunk Ape Conference:

Feel free to call our new phone number during our live shows to get involved, share a legend you’ve heard, or to just ask a question at (813) 418-6822.

You can contact us with questions, comments, and your favorite legend or tidbit of folklore at [email protected].
Keep visiting the site for the trip log of our travels and other urban legends at: www.trippingonlegends.com.

Follow us at:
Twitter: @SpookyBalzano
Instagram: @SpookyTripping
Tripping on Legends is now part of the Midnight FM family. Check us out and see some of the other amazing shows they offer at https://midnight.fm/.

You can follow our dark journey through the forest as we prepare for the book at
or by following the hashtag #hauntedOcala.
Follow our new project, This Town is Myth on Facebook at
and with the hashtag #ThisTownisMyth on all our social media platforms