Isaiah 65:17-25 “New creation” means that God is up to a whole lot more than saving our souls. There is a process God is engaged in that we get to participate in. Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24  This story that we so quickly associate with Jesus is a source of comfort and vision for oppressed people. The… Read more about When God Says, “I Don’t Think So” to the Powers of the World #LectioCast

Isaiah 65:17-25 “New creation” means that God is up to a whole lot more than saving our souls. There is a process God is engaged in that we get to participate in.

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24  This story that we so quickly associate with Jesus is a source of comfort and vision for oppressed people. The stone that those in power said was wrongly made is the one that God honors and exalts. Easter Sunday, and all the Easters that break into the world, are the days the Lord has made in which we are to rejoice.

1 Corinthians 15:19-26 It’s not the suffering that saves us—it’s the victory, the rebirth on the other side that is our salvation. The resurrection is God’s “I don’t think so” to the normal we find ourselves living by and mired in in our day-to-day lives and God’s affirmation of the primordial plan to have humanity rule the world on God’s behalf.

Acts 10:34-43 God sees our differences and welcomes us all. What matters is responding to the work of God. The same God who worked in Jesus during his time on earth worked to raise him from the dead and works to embrace us all into the family. The question before us is: with whom will we cast our judgment on Jesus? God or those who rejected him?

Luke 24:1-12  Only with the resurrection do people begin to understand. Part of being the Easter community is learning to trust each other’s experiences with Christ. Here, as everywhere else, it’s just at the point when you’re most sure someone doesn’t belong that the truth of the Kingdom of God is being put on display.

Micky ScottBey Jones is a “contemplivist” leader and organizer who hosts & facilitates conferences, trainings and online conversations, writes & speaks on a variety of topics including self-care in community (healing justice), contemplative activism, intersectionality, race & justice & theology from the margins, and curates contemplative spaces/activities. Micky was recently named one of the Black Christian leaders changing the world in Huffington Post. You can interact with her work and collaborations at, and follower her on Twtter @iammickyjones and like her on Facebook

Daniel Kirk is a writer, speaker, blogger, and New Testament professor who lives in San Francisco, CA. He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of a pair of books, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God and Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? His third book A Man Attested by God: the Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels, is off to the printers. He blogs regularly at  ( You can follow him on Twitter @jrdkirk and on Facebook at

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