The resurrected Jesus is the shepherd of the sheep. And the community of the Good Shepherd is one where people radically reconfigure how they spend their money. Are we ready for that kind of discipleship? Are we ready to form those kinds of communities? Acts 2:42-47 The message we most need to hear, the message… Read more about The Shepherd Wants Your Money #LectioCast

The resurrected Jesus is the shepherd of the sheep. And the community of the Good Shepherd is one where people radically reconfigure how they spend their money. Are we ready for that kind of discipleship? Are we ready to form those kinds of communities?

Acts 2:42-47 The message we most need to hear, the message we least want to heed: they had everything in common, they created a distinctive community, and everyone loved it.

Psalm 23 The Shepherding Lord: David’s, Jesus’s, and ours.

1 Peter 2:19-25 The cross of Christ tells us about God, and about us. It calls us to do right, no matter what the cost, trusting the God who judges justly. Oh, and that cross? We can think of what it does in about a hundred different ways.

John 10:1-10 The good shepherd makes sure the sheep are well tended. The declaration that he brings abundant life holds up a mirror to us, asking if we’ll actually believe that handing everything into his care will lead to the abundance of life we crave.

 Daniel Kirk is a writer, speaker, and blogger who lives in San Francisco, CA where he is currently Pastoral Director for the Newbigin House of Studies. His third book A Man Attested by God: the Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels, is hot off the presses. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God and Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? He blogs regularly at  ( You can follow him on Twitter @jrdkirk and on Facebook at

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