After Jesus got that resurrection body, God wasn’t done. The resurrected Jesus is exalted, enthroned, and glorified. Because Jesus receives God’s glory, we get to as well.  Acts 1:6-14 God might not be restoring the kingdom to Israel, but God is restoring the kingship of the earth to humanity. The disciples will know it when… Read more about Jesus is Glorified, And So Are We #LectioCast

After Jesus got that resurrection body, God wasn’t done. The resurrected Jesus is exalted, enthroned, and glorified. Because Jesus receives God’s glory, we get to as well. 

Acts 1:6-14 God might not be restoring the kingdom to Israel, but God is restoring the kingship of the earth to humanity. The disciples will know it when they receive the same power Jesus had at their baptism by the Spirit.

Psalm 68:1-10, 33-35 The idea of God having enemies to conquer doesn’t sound that great, until we realize that they’re the ones who kept the orphans homeless and the widows penniless. The God who rides on the clouds finds echoes in the ascension of Jesus.

1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 People who follow Jesus should expect to embody the Jesus story. That means suffering and resurrection. That means having to trust God when we would otherwise be anxious. Same thing.

John 17:1-11 God restores Jesus’s glory. The heavenly future comes down into the present. And we, too, get to bear the glory of God in Christ. We, too, get to know the oneness of the divine union. 

 Daniel Kirk is a writer, speaker, and blogger who lives in San Francisco, CA where he is currently Pastoral Director for the Newbigin House of Studies. His third book A Man Attested by God: the Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels, is hot off the presses. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God and Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? He blogs regularly at  ( You can follow him on Twitter @jrdkirk and on Facebook at

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