Bo Sanders emerges from his doctoral exam prep cave to enliven and enlighten our study of the Lectionary Texts for Proper 19, Sept 13. He brings in a theme that will run through the next four weeks: “Everyone you meet a seat for the presence of God.” Across these texts we’re confronted with the likelihood… Read more about Finding Life by Listening #LectioCast

Bo Sanders emerges from his doctoral exam prep cave to enliven and enlighten our study of the Lectionary Texts for Proper 19, Sept 13. He brings in a theme that will run through the next four weeks: “Everyone you meet a seat for the presence of God.” Across these texts we’re confronted with the likelihood that we will cling to our own ideas rather than heeding divine direction.

Proverbs 1:20-33 Wisdom wants our attention, but apparently we, in general, don’t want to give it. Daniel lures Bo into love of this passage by reframing it in light of Jesus as the wisdom of God.

Psalm 19 The question of whether we can hear comes back at us. Bo tries to convince Daniel that the Law is good. Daniel takes a rain check.

James 3:1-12 We explore the dynamic equivalence of speech as typing. “Words are not just the dance of the tongue.” Bo Sanders said that. And he also drops this gem on us: “Everyone you meet a seat for the presence of God.” But wait, there’s more! This also applies to ourselves.

Mark 8:27-38 This is the turning of the whole story, from Kingdom in Power to Kingdom through Suffering. The scariest part of all: it transforms our understanding of what discipleship is supposed to be: “Take up your cross and follow me.”

Mark commentary Bo mentioned: Ched Meyers, Binding the Strong Man.