God has hopes for creation that include a flourishing of justice for all. The summons and the warning both point toward God being on the side of those who need the world’s abundance to overflow to them and embrace them. Isaiah 5:1-7 An encapsulation of God’s hope for a beautiful, abundant place for everyone and… Read more about Faithfulness Justice with Kimberly Knight #LectioCast

God has hopes for creation that include a flourishing of justice for all. The summons and the warning both point toward God being on the side of those who need the world’s abundance to overflow to them and embrace them.

Isaiah 5:1-7 An encapsulation of God’s hope for a beautiful, abundant place for everyone and of humanity’s failure to partner faithfully with God. But how do we recognize God in distinction from the gift of God we have turned into an idol?

Luke 12:49-56 The not-so-peaceful Jesus. He’s not so peaceful because people aren’t listening to the invitation to justice and mercy. Key here is getting our eyes fixed on what God’s will is here on this earth now. 

Psalm 801-2, 8-19 “God, why?”—the people. “People, why don’t you get it yet?!”-God. God wants the people to embody the justice that Jesus and the prophets summon us to. We have to be God to the world around us.

Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Jesus as the compass who points us in the direction of living out our faith. Including trust: Jesus perpetually entrusts himself into the hands of God.


Kimberly Knight has spent the past several years creating intersections between her decades of experience in the technology sector and progressive Christianity. She has worked as online organizer for the Beatitudes Society and as social media consultant for The Center for Progressive Renewal. She is currently cooking an online church project that you will want to keep your eyes open for. She blogs at KimberlyKnight on the Patheos progressive channel, where she hosts conversations about being gay and Christian in America.

Daniel Kirk is a writer, speaker, and blogger who lives in San Francisco, CA. He is also serving as pastoral director for the Newbigin House of Studies in San Francisco. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God and Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? His third book A Man Attested by God: the Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels, is hot off the presses. He blogs regularly at StoriedTheology.com  (http://patheos.com/blogs/storiedtheology). You can follow him on Twitter @jrdkirk and on Facebook at Facebook.com/jrdkirk.

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