Will we be able to recognize God when God appears? We tend to look “up,” but perhaps we need to look down. Isaiah 49:1-7 The work of the servant is playing out in plain sight: but God’s people aren’t seeing it, and God doesn’t seem to be honoring it. Will we know the work of… Read more about 1st Sunday After Epiphany with Doug Pagitt #LectioCast

Will we be able to recognize God when God appears? We tend to look “up,” but perhaps we need to look down.

Isaiah 49:1-7 The work of the servant is playing out in plain sight: but God’s people aren’t seeing it, and God doesn’t seem to be honoring it. Will we know the work of God when we see it? God makes God’s glory and light known in people.

Psalm 40:1-11 Does God require sacrifice? Psalm 40 takes sides in this intratestamental dispute. God doesn’t need it! Do we demand it?

1 Corinthians 1:1-9 First Corinthians keeps us grounded. Where do we look to find the work of God? The holy ones are all around us.

John 1:29-42 John’s energy opens the story up for us, casting massive vision that explodes beyond the borders of our careful word-smithing. But what sort of Lamb is Jesus? 

Fine literature discussed this week:

Doug Pagitt, Flipped

Richard B. Hays, First Corinthians

Gordon Fee,  The First Epistle to the Corinthians (rev. ed.)

Anthony Thiselton, The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NIGTC)

J. R. Daniel Kirk, A Man Attested by God 

Doug Pagitt is the founding pastor of Solomon’s Porch, A Holistic Missional Christian Community in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a national Initiator with Convergence a collective of faith-engaged organizations, individuals, institutions, and networks who seek to embody a generous and just Christian ethos leading to constructive collective action in the United States. Doug is a speaker and consultant for churches, denominations, and businesses throughout the United States and around the world on issues of Inventive Age culture, social systems Christianity, and Leadership. He is the author of books on spirituality, Christianity and leadership including, Flipped, Preaching In the Inventive Age, and A Christianity Worth Believing.

Daniel Kirk is a writer, speaker, and blogger who lives in San Francisco, CA where he is currently Pastoral Director for the Newbigin House of Studies. His third book A Man Attested by God: the Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels, is hot off the presses. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of, Unlocking Romans: Resurrection and the Justification of God and Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? He blogs regularly at StoriedTheology.com  (http://patheos.com/blogs/storiedtheology). You can follow him on Twitter @jrdkirk and on Facebook at Facebook.com/jrdkirk.

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