Predictions: Finally tallied the points from the crazy scheduled october weeks: Chappers 77, Kastle 70, Catman 69. I wasn’t able to pull the predictions from 62 because the audio wasn’t synced, so if you guys have that written down somewhere give it to me and I’ll fix it; otherwise, we are here as of now. GotW: Rams vs Vikings or Raiders vs Pats? DFotW: Bucs vs Dolphins, Packers vs Ravens, Cardinals vs Texans NCAA: UCLA vs. USC Nascar Championship Winner: Chappers: Vikings, Raiders, Bucs, Packers, Texans USC, RKB Kastle: Rams, Pats, Bucs, Packers, Texans,  USC, Brad Catman: Vikings, Raiders, Bucs, Ravens, Texans USC, Truex JR.