Download! Seriously, one of the lessons we've learned in life is it never hurts to ask! The internet is a magical place if you ask someone to be a guest at the right time!   Two stories today: Mental health in collegiate athletes and coaches; Coaching aggressiveness.  

Three updates from last week that we didn't discuss in the show:

Truex won at Chicagoland . . .  and then failed his post-race inspection. Be on the lookout for another Cole Pearn suspension. Is it time to start looking to take away wins? Adrian Peterson tore his meniscus and is set to have surgery this Thursday. Danny Woodhead is set to miss the rest of the season after a torn ACL. Carson Wentz might be a thing? Through two games he has 0 interceptions and two wins. First time a rookie has done that in . . . EVER?

Predictions: Score update has Catman at 7, Chappers at 6, Kastle at 5. Guest always picks first from here on out. Game of the Week: Vikings vs. Panthers; Dumpsterfire of the Week: Tampa Bay vs. Los Angeles; College Game of the week: Michigan St. vs. Wisconsin Chris: Panthers, Rams (First touchdown for the Rams is scored by the defense), Wisconsin Catman: Panthers, Buccaneers, Michigan State, Chappers: Panthers, Rams, Michigan State Kastle: Panthers, Buccaneers, Michigan State