The youngest person to travel to each and every country on planet earth. At 21 years old, Lexie Alford traveled to and visited 196 countries. Not only that, but she is the first woman to ever do it.

"Your whole impression of a country doesn't even have anything to do with the country itself, it's just about what happened to you while you were there. It's a completely personal opinion" - Lexie Alford

How on earth did she manage this, and all self-funded? Emmett sits down with Lexie in Venice, California to find out some of her travel hacks and the process she went through to do it all so extensively in a relatively short period of time. On top of everything, the process that she had to go through to be granted a Guiness World Record took months of paperwork, as well as approaching over 400 strangers in the countries that she visited, all for the proof that she was really there.