On this episode of Triple Play, our friend “The Chad” stops by to help Shamarri, Nick and Diz give impressions on certain issues going on in the Playstation world. We talk about what’s been spinning inside our consoles, including Heavy Rain, God of War III, Perfect Dark. Our topics get real heated as […]

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On this episode of Triple Play, our friend “The Chad” stops by to help Shamarri, Nick and Diz give impressions on certain issues going on in the Playstation world. We talk about what’s been spinning inside our consoles, including Heavy Rain, God of War III, Perfect Dark. Our topics get real heated as we discuss the Sony’s reason for removing the “OtherOS” feature and the much debated topic of what game on the PS3 has the best graphics. Stay tuned.


Playstation Move

It’s a Mistake not to develop on PS3

Playstation Firmware Version 3.21 released

Final Fantasy IX coming to PSN

Criterion Studios Says one of their current titles will support 3-D

Blu-Ray will expand to 128Gb

According to Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades

Gran Turismo 5 to have improved A.I.

Sony Still working on Cross-Game Chat

Sony passed on Natal technology


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The post Triple Play Episode 14: Who’s Got Better Graphics appeared first on The Gamer Access.

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