Presented by Sathi at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on February 25, 2019.

Sathi explains three different approaches to the human reactions **duka** (pain) and **suka** (comfort). These are Sanskrit terms describing how our mind reacts.

Sathi examines these terms first by looking from a materialistic point of view. Ordinary people think that if they have more things, money, or power, they will be happy.

Four efforts that make up life on a basic level:

Obtaining comfort.
Maintaining our comfort.
Removing discomfort.
Avoid future discomfort

Next, Sathi explores the level that most major religions promote. By having compassion and generosity we can experience a release from pain or discomfort. Giving makes us feel good.

Finally, the third level of these terms is explained based on Buddha's observations. Comfort and discomfort are simply reactions to our cravings. They are neither good or bad, just reactions. (One person's pain can be another person's pleasure.). By having these unrecognized cravings we can be manipulated by outside influences.

Through meditation and being mindful, we can recognize and observe these cravings (like recognizing the weeds in our garden) and let the cravings go. This frees us from being driven by internal or external influences.

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