Listen to Triple-click Home Episode 28: Turn Right On “A” Street Welcome to another packed episode of Triple-click Home. Join JJ, Ana and Steve as they discuss all things Apple. Then, Jamie Pauls visits with David Ward about Braille Sonar Pro, an indispensable app for referencing Braille contractions. Because David is awesome and he thinks […]

Listen to Triple-click Home Episode 28: Turn Right On “A” Street

Welcome to another packed episode of Triple-click Home. Join JJ, Ana and Steve as they discuss all things Apple. Then, Jamie Pauls visits with David Ward

about Braille Sonar Pro, an indispensable app for referencing Braille contractions.

Because David is awesome and he thinks our Triple-click listeners are too, he has dropped the price of the app in half for a limited time, so go grab it now.

Stories discussed in this episode include:

In the News

[What’s New and Changed for Blind and Low Vision Users in iOS 7.1](


Apple Ordering 90 Million iPhone 6 to Meet Huge Demand (Report)

[Apple reportedly working on expanding Siri partnerships, iWatch support](


Is an Apple Credit Card the Next Big Move?

New Beacons Installed at Petco Park

How SXSW plans to use iBeacons to improve the attendee experience

[SXSW First Look: Store Shelves That Talk To Your Phone](


[Class action suit claims Apple Store POS system discriminates against visually impaired](


[Running Windows under VMWare Fusion: Remapping your Keyboard to Create an Insert Key](


Ask iMore: How the #@$& do you find anything with App Store search?

How to easily back up and restore your Mac with Time Machine on OS X Mavericks

Make use of the iCloud keychain

[Apple TV remote: 7 amazing shortcuts you need to know!](

Parcel – Delivery tracking By Ivan Pavlov

[Jawbone’s ‘Up Coffee’ app tracks your caffeine intake, estimates when you’ll finally be able to sleep](



Hi Guys!

Episode 27 was a pleasure to listen to, as usual.

I would like to comment on a few points from the episode

• Subsidized phones are available in other countries outside the US. As buddy said, they are available in the UK. They are also available in Germany, Ireland

and other countries. My sister in Germany started a new bill contract recently: 30 euros per month = 40 dollars, for 200 minutes and texts to any mobile

network and landlines, 300 MB of data and the iPhone 5C for the equivalent of 1.35 Dollars.

My contract here in Ireland costs me the equivalent of 55 dollars per month, 350 flexible units, i.e. 350 minutes or 700 text messages to any network,

unlimited calls and messages to my own network, 2 Terabytes – yes, I said Terabytes, of data and the iPhone 5S for the equivalent of 199 Dollars.

Not bad at all!

One point which really surprised me in the episode was the comment about paying for incoming calls. Do you have to pay for incoming calls in the USA? The

only time I have had to pay for incoming calls was when I was abroad with a previous SIM card.

• Reading Marco’s article about switching back to Windows and the reactions to it are very interesting from a social perspective. There are the Windows users

who say: Ha, I knew it all along! Then there are the Mac users who say: don’t he dare point out imperfections in Macs! And then there are the Mac users who

say: I know what he means, but now I’m stuck with this thing.

I agree with Marco in his comment about the way Apple deals with reports and requests. Most replies I have got from [email protected] read something

like: “thank you for your interest. We will pass it on to the appropriate people, but we don’t know when and whether this will be fixed.” I have got some

very helpful personal emails but the majority read like templates. This, however, is no Apple speciality. I heard from a number of beta testers that Apple

knew about VoiceOver’s “Page-2 Issue” at a very early beta stage. It still has not been fixed, and this is frustrating.

One point in Marco’s article with which I do not agree at all is the criticism of the object interaction. One person said in the comment section that they

can’t use their Mac one-handed. I do not understand this. I work with quickNavigation and the TrackPad and can operate my MacBook Air quite well while

holding a cup of coffee in my left hand. This comment brought back memories of several installations using JAWS – routing teh JAWS cursor to the PC cursor

which does not move any further, then looking for my “Next” button with the JAWS cursor, then route the PC cursor to the JAWS cursor and activate the item.

And how many fingers on how many hands does it take to turn on the virtual cursor on a webpage? NVDA, too, requires at least two fingers on at least two

hands to navigate.

I think that the whole interaction argument is rubbish. I like interaction and think that I am much quicker than I am in Windows. However, this is all a

matter of taste.

I knew when I bought my Mac one year ago that I would need my Windows laptop for some tasks. Most of those tasks have now been moved to the Mac. I am a

researcher in phonetics and phonology and use symbols of the phonetic alphabet and am happy that voiceOver does not only read them but that I can access them

so easily on the standard keyboard. Great job, Apple!

Looking forward to your next episode! All the best and greetings from Ireland.


Hi Guys,

You talked about Spotify in this episode and that it is possible to listen to individual songs on the iPad but not on the iPhone. this is not a bug but is

advertized by spotify. I have heard in one of their ads “If you want to listen to individual songs, you can do this on your iPad.” or something like that.


all the best. Markus

From Jenine Stanley

Hmmm, I’m thinking this long winter has gotten to all of us. Listening to the February TCH, or Episode 27, whichever you choose to refer to it, you all

sounded just a tad worked up about life.

Granted, I pride myself in being just as cynical and jaded as you all, I have to say that you took it just a bit too far this time.

What Jenine? You, the Serotalk Fan Girl, saying we took it a bit too far? Whatever could you mean?

Well, in the discussion of the article about switching back to Windows, the whole issue of interaction under Mac’s Voice Over went to the dark side. You doth

protest too much.

My biggest adjustment when moving from Windows to Mac was the whole idea of interaction. I get the whole moving from a larger to a smaller thing but we move

from larger to smaller in IOS and don’t have the need to take this extra step. It’s just that too, an extra step. What would Mac VO look like if it operated

like VO does in IOS? I think that’s what many of us new to Mac but coming from IOS on our phones are thinking and becoming frustrated with.

The way you all were ranting though made it sound like we were unworthy for even thinking this way. It really would have turned me off on asking for help had

I not known that you guys are among some of the most helpful people out there when it comes to the switch. There was way too much justification of the method

for me and not enough empathy about yes, this is different and there may be some questions at first if you come from IOS world to Mac as many of us are


I’ve made the change over to Mac and am quite happy not to have my screen reader stopping at least twice a day in the middle of something and all the other

nice things that come with Mac. Do I like interaction? Truth? I don’t mind it now but do wish I could just explore the entire screen at once without having

to go in and out of interactions. that said, I do it because it’s there and things work but does that have to be the perfect way to do things?

Oh and I totally agree with you about the whole “God Bless you” thing and all interactions, human ones that is, being about the dog.

My answer to these people is usually to reflect back their attitude of benevelance by just saying “You too!” when being blessed.

Oh, all sorts of snark come to mind but in most cases, unless truly pushed, I’ll try to be nice. I have a dear friend who is an atheist. This kind of thing

just sends her around the bend because she feels she can’t ever argue and say that she is offended by being blessed but can’t say that because it will only

open up another avenue for evangelizing.

Well, let’s hope March brings us some interesting Apple news that doesn’t involve brow beating each other. Keep up the good work.

Jenine Stanley

Wrapping Up

[Apple’s ‘attack detection mode’ would protect iPhone owners in emergency situations](


[2-year-old boy saves mom using FaceTime app](


Contacting the Team

We’ve had our say, now its your turn. Drop us a line at [email protected] or send us a tweet at [our official Twitter


You can also follow our hosts by visiting

Ana’s Accessible Android blog or

JJ at

Finally, Check out Steve’s Twitter feed.

Thanks for listening!

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