Tripawds Podcast Episode #42: Guest: Dicki L. Kennedy, DVM, CCRP, CVA, CVPP, CCMT and certified in Animal Chiropractic. Founder and President of ARCC: Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center in Greenville, South Carolina. Dr. Kennedy is a renowned veterinarian who is making the world a more pain-free place for pets as founder of Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center, a state of the art facility that emphasizes conditioning and pain management through life style changes. She has worked with hundreds of pets in her career focusing on alleviating pain and allowing our pets to live longer, happier and healthier lives. Dr. Kennedy has helped pets with surgical, medical, and genetic problems along with helping competitive canine athletes return to their sport and achieve their long term goals. Dr. Kennedy even has her own senior Tripawd kitty, and truly understands the needs of our three-legged heroes. Recently she has worked with Tripawds member Domino, which is documented in the Tripawds Downloads blog. In this episode of Tripawd Talk Radio, we'll ask Dr. Kennedy her tips for Tripawds including: Do dogs or cats make better Tripawds? Why?When it comes to the long-term health of any Tripawd, what are some mobility issues to consider?What are some recommended pain management steps to ask your vet to take both before and immediately after amputation surgery?When is a good time to get started with rehab therapy? How can we find a qualified practitioner / center?What's the best kind of exercise our Tripawd can get at home? Call in to ask Dr. Kennedy about Rehab Therapy for Tripawds, or join us in the Tripawds Live Chat during the show! 

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