Sex trafficking needs to stop yesterday. I don't understand how the world can continue to tick the way it's ticking with such an ugly thing happening. Such as things like equality, clean water, and other social issues take all of humanity to come together, sex trafficking and the selling of ANOTHER HUMAN BEING should be too, especially if its just for pleasure. Sex trafficking is a real thing and it is also showing that amongst the circle of the elite it is especially a thing, that's just sick. Here at Trio5 we promise to do better around this, it starts with more education on the matter and then seeing how we can continue being a light. If you see something, say something.

In this life that we live it is a constant flow of ups and downs, and finding that happiness to our life and keeping it consistent can be very fleeting. Here throughout this episode, we share a couple of tips and just really our insight around just finding happiness and just trying to remain you as authentically as possible. This will always be a recurring topic in this podcast because it is something we truly believe in and will always stand by.

Thorough this episode there is so much more content to consume we really hope you enjoy this one, if you can do us a favor here at Trio5 and just tell one friend you know about the podcast help us spread the word ;)