This episode takes its turns in classic Trio 5 fashion, the only way the boy's know-how.

We go into things like Social Media, it consumes so much of our lives day in and day out, we see soo much on their including social media warriors with their elementary minds. Social media has turned into a beast, but are we still using that vessel for the appropriate things? Come listen to us break that down

There was a global study that was conducted called the "Wallet" study you should look it up, and  it talks about people in their honesty and wha they do when confronted with a chance to do the honorable thing, the findings might shock you!

Opinions, opinions, opinions so many of them are shared at such a rapid rate day in and day out 24/7 a lot of the time they are unsolicited, some of the time they are they hold some weight to your life and then a lot of the time they are so damn forced and insincere that its like why even share them? We are living in a day in age where if you don't carry an opinion you might as well be satan, and thats just corny if you ask me. Stay and listen to see what the boys think about that