Within this episode the boys put their two cents if you would say in the bucket that is evolution. It is a topic that has been heavily debated for years by those are more scientifically inclined versus those that may not care for science at all.  It really is a fascinating concept  and here at Trio5 we love fascinating stuff and the coolest part of our job is that we get to talk about it.

China and their population is really a crazy thing to think about, just how one piece of land is harboring so many people on it. Sometimes the things you need to do for survival might just get a little weird you know like eating snakes and such. Imagine the world has about 7 billion people that inhabit it and china is housing 1.5 billion of those people. Aside from China being very hospitable its just honestly insane to think about, China we still have you in our prayers and thank you for every way you've made our lives better.

Conciseness, if you are reading this sentence here right now then you have one, and you should thank god for that or Carbon,hydrogen,oxygen & nitrogen. Regardless of the fact though just be super grateful that you even have one. Thankfully we have Eduardo around so hes really able to help us out with this concept and does a great job at explaining what it is.