Key Takeaways For This Episode 

Bitcoin, with the time more and more Bitcoin has only stood the test of time proving its reliability more and more & becoming a larger storage of value. A pretty cool thing that has been Brough to my attention that in terms of "hype" Bitcoin is actually trending lower in terms of search results & such, which goes to show this value storage growing organically for which if you are a believer it is just honestly beautiful to see. If all S&P 500 companies were to allocate 1% of their cash to bitcoin, estimates show that its price would increase by approximately $40,000Digital Wallets, this industry itself is already so strong so valuable & the amazing thing is with more time this industry will continue to shape out what we can do. This "Fintech" revolution that we are living in is next level, I mean you have Credit Karma which is an app that is now checking your credit score for you on the daily. Theres things like Cashapp & Venmo that allow me to pay my peers for an avocado & never have to deal with cash. I mean you can buy stocks now on some of these same apps that youre allowed to exchange money on & this just honestly the BEGININNG so buckle up its going to an amazing & fruitful ride.Until recently, humans programmed all software. Depp learning, a form of artificial intelligence (AI), uses datat to write software. by "automating" the creation of software, deep learning could turbocharge every industry. Artificial Intelligence, I know for some it may literally be decades since they've heard the dawn of AI is among us & truthfully those people didn't deceive you or lie to you in anyway its just the exponential growth hasn't necessarily caught up to where we've assumed it would, but the fundamentals of AI continue to remain untouched & are just growing stronger which is why things now are looking the dawn of Artificial Intelligence that allot have been waiting for. As more & more people get involved with the space more innovations it causes but also the cheaper it gets to perform in this industry.